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September 11th meeting at The Vestavia Cajun Seafood Restaurant

Hello Ganders,

Our Next meeting will be held at the Cajun Seafood Restaurant in Vestavia Hill starting at 5:30 pm. The meeting topics are:

1. Installation of Officers.
2. 3 Hots and a Cot donations.
3. Old Business. Pins, and Dues
4. New business.

The Officers are:

MLG: Jeff Turnipseed
Supervisor of the Flock: Greg Williams
Keeper of the Golden Goose Egg: Estelle Smith
Guardian of the Pond: Gary Murton
Custodian of the Ganders: Katie Nance
Wielder of the Goose Quill: Dolores Garrett
Custodian of Charity: Chris Williams
Keeper of the Alabama Pond Media: Jett Turnipseed



Help Our Organization Raise Donations For 3 Hots And A Cot!


Please bring new recruits and a friend.


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