ALBERT JACKSON MCCARN Sr. MCCARN, ALBERT JACKSON, SR. Jack McCarn, born in Birmingham, AL, January 29, 1924, passed peacefully from this life on October 8, 2012. He joins his wife of 55 years, Dorothy W. McCarn, who preceded him into the Presence of God on January 22, 2004. Mr. McCarn was a veteran of World War II, serving in Italy in 1944-45 with the 744th Bombardment Squadron, 456th Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force. After the war he earned a bachelor's degree from Birmingham Southern College, and a degree in jurisprudence from the Birmingham School of Law. In a remarkable career spanning over 60 years, Mr. McCarn served as one of Alabama's most knowledgeable and respected insurance professionals as a Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC). Among his many honors, he was named the Alabama Independent Insurance Association's Insuror of the Year in 1994; President, North Alabama Chapter, CPCU; President, Alabama Marketing Association; Most Loyal Gander, Alabama Pond, Honorable Order of Blue Goose; Insurance Women of Birmingham's Boss of the Year in 1975; Insurance Fieldman of the Year; and Birmingham Association of Insurance Women's VIP for 1992. In 1986, Mr. McCarn opened his own business, Reality Insurance Agency, which upon his retirement in 2010 passed to the able care of his daughter, Mickie McCarn Edwards. He is remembered fondly for his service to two generations of Boy Scouts, and as deacon, youth leader, and Sunday school teacher in Baptist churches in Alabama and Florida, most recently at the Raleigh Avenue Baptist Church of Homewood, AL. Mr. McCarn is survived by his wife, Lenora Maude Harrell McCarn, of Homewood, and his children, Mickie and Raymond A. Edwards of Alabaster, Lt. Col. (Ret) Albert Jackson and Charlayne McCarn, Jr., of San Antonio, TX, and Charles Victor and Tammy K. McCarn of Huntsville, AL. He is sorely missed by his grandchildren, Cynthia and Matthew Fields of Hendersonville, TN, Jacquelyn and Lam Le of Pelham, AL, Austin and Daniel McCarn of Huntsville, AL, Rachael Shannon McCarn of Virginia Beach, VA, and Kathryn McCarn of Austin, TX. He is also remembered fondly by his stepsons, Wayne Harrell of Boligee, AL, Barry Harrell of Crane Hill, AL, and Kevin Harrell of Glen Ellyn, IL.

May Meeting 05/08/2018
Greetings Members and Recruits,
Our monthly meeting will be held on May 8, 2018 at The Cajun Seafood House. See map at the end of the email for directions.
A word from Jeff Turnipseed about the meeting topics of discussion.
“I hope everybody had a great spring break. Now it’s time to come back to the Alabama Pond. We need all members to support this next meeting. We will conduct an initiation starting at 6:00 P.M.. Greg Williams, Cathy Hester and Deloris Garrett will preside over the ceremony. The Goslings that will be initiated are Jett Turnipseed, Paul DeMarco, Jamie Patterson, and Chris Williams. The meeting for the board members will start at 5:00 P.M.. Fun, food, and drinks are available. As always, please bring donations for 3 Hots and a Cot”
Election time is here. The election board committee has nominated the following members.
Most Loyal Gander: Jeff Turnipseed and John Bergquist
Supervisor of the Flock: Greg Williams and Kile Turner
Custodian of the Goslings: Dolores and Julie Godsey
Guardian of the Pond: Gary Murton
Wielder of the Quill: Estelle Smith
Keeper of the Golden Egg: Estelle
Keeper of the Alabama Pond Media: Jett Turnipseed
Charities: Mark Lee, Katy Nance, Chris Williams
Notes from the March meeting.
Honorable Order of Blue Goose, Intl
Alabama Pond
April 10, 2018 Minutes
The Alabama Pond of the Honorable Order of Blue Goose Intl met on April 10, 2018 at The Cajun Seafood House in Vestavia, Alabama.
The meeting was called to order at 5:50 PM by President Jeff Turnipseed.
New officer candidates were discussed and it was decided that the following candidates were nominated:
Most Loyal Gander – Jeff Turnipseed and John Bergquist
Supervisor of the flock – Greg Williams and Kile Turner
Custodian of the Goslings – Dolores Garrett and Julie Godsey
Guardian of the Pond – Gary Murton
Wielder of the Quill – Estelle Smith
Keeper of the Golden Egg – Estelle Smith
Keeper of the Alabama Pond Media – Jett Turnipseed
Charity Committee – Mark Lee, Katy Nance, Chris Williams
Election of officers will be conducted electronically.
It was discussed that the Initiation will be held on May 8, 2018 at the Cajun Steamer.
Goslings to be initiated are Jett Turnipseed, Paul DeMarco, Jamie Patterson, and Chris Williams.
With no other business to be brought before the members the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM
Minutes respectfully recorded by Estelle Smith.
Please bring new recruits and a friend.
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